APOL Homepage

The Applied Optics Laboratory (APOL) is a component of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Its focus is the engineering application of fiber optic, photonic, and laser technologies and the development of associated educational tools. The laboratory supports interdisciplinary research including both educational projects and optics projects and supports optics study through coursework and learning resources. It was founded in 1991.


Students are involved in APOL activities at many levels including undergraduate honors and design projects, graduate research projects, and instructional laboratories. Faculty, staff, and students connected to the laboratory are listed under people. Students are encouraged to investigate opportunities for optics study and research.


The location, capabilities, current events, and research sponsors can be found on this site under information and news. Also, a site directory is available. To request additional information concerning this laboratory, to request a tour of the laboratory, or to comment of this site please contact

Dr. Steve E. Watkins, Director, at watkins@mst.edu .


Available Information


The Applied Optics Laboratory is affiliated with other educational and research organizations of the Missouri University of Science and Technology through a variety of interdisciplinary projects. These affiliations include:

Media Design and Assessment Laboratory

Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies

Lemay Center for Composites Technology

ECE Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory

ECE Image Processing Laboratory

MAEEM Composites Fabrication Laboratory